We completed 38 Sub Post Office shop refurbishments across the North of the UK by winning ahead of expectations.

Clovemead undertook the refurbishment to a good standard, within the timescale and agreed budget.
Kevin Parkin
Project Manager
Post Office
Post Office – Sub Post Offices
This Post Office project was tendered through the Ojeu Notice protocol and we were among 30 contractors asked to tender for the works, being on the Post Office approved contractor listing.
Contractors were progressively eliminated through the pricing process, there were eventually five contractors competing for the two areas works, being north and south of the country. All remaining contractors were interviewed separately in London as part of the tendering process.
Two contractors were eventually chosen to do the works nationwide, Clovemead being appointed to undertake the whole north of the country from Birmingham to and including the Scottish Isles.
The scope of the project grew and the time-scale was compressed in part culminating in 22 sites being completed in a particular five week period at the projects most intense phase.
All sites were completed within the time scale with a snag free handover and all within the Post Office budget. The were four to five sites starting or completing within the five week period.
The work was very challenging with it being spread across the UK, however we managed the project to a very high standard, with our client praising us for the total commitment in getting to job done without a single complaint from their retail operations.
Project details
Post Office
Contract Administrator
Rider Levett Bucknall
Quantity Surveyor
Rider Levett Bucknall
CDM Coordinator
Rider Levett Bucknall
Shop Refurbishment with new counters, flooring ceilings, electrical and mechanical
Contract value
£574,000 (for 22 sites)
Maximum period – 4 weeks